Stance Analysis

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Stance Analysis

When your pet has a painful limb, it will almost certainly shift its weight abnormally to a limb(s) that does not hurt when weight-bearing. This is called “offloading” a limb and can result in compensatory injuries due to over-compensation. During your pet’s first initial evaluation and at each subsequent recheck evaluation, our team will place your pet on the Companion Animal Stance Analyzer. This cutting-edge technology uses multiple objective measurements of weight, the center of gravity, and the shifting of your pet’s weight to determine if there is abnormal weight distribution on the limbs. This analysis can help our team detect a subtle lameness (if there is no overt lameness that can be visualized during the exam of your pet's gait) and can help guide our diagnostic testing and treatment plan for your pet. The Stance Analyzer can also help us detect any early signs of pain/lameness in our patients. We use the Stance Analyzer at every recheck exam to compare the results to the initial evaluation of your pet to track improvement or worsening of normal weight bearing.

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